Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ringen Kino!

Since the 5th of December our film is beeing screened daily at Ringen Kino in Oslo at 'Kort på Ringen'.

'Kort på Rin­gen' pre­sents in col­la­bora­tion with Fred­rik­stad Ani­ma­tion Fes­ti­val some of the high­lights from this year’s com­pe­tition pro­gram. The fes­ti­val was held on Novem­ber 8th — 11th this year where also the best ani­mated shorts are awar­ded with the festival’s prize the Gol­den Gun­nar. 
The first scre­en­ing was at Rin­gen Kino on wed­nes­day Decem­ber 5th, at 17:30, and the pro­gram will be scre­ened every day all Decem­ber at the same hours. Entrance is free.
So if you live in Oslo, or know someone who does, go and see it!! =)

ps. can you see someone hiding in the image?

1 comment:

  1. Oh..... Now I noticed! The creature is on the window! Really funny! :)
